Internalional Women's Day, observed annually on March 8, serves as a global plalform to celebrate the achievements of women and advocale for gender equality. The day wilnesses a multitude of events worldwide. highlighting the importance of acknowledging and respecling the contributions of women in various spheres of life.

2024 Theme: 'Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress'
The theme for International Women's Day 2024, as announced by the United Nations, is 'Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress. The choosen theme underscores the essential requirement for achieving gender equality and promoting the well-being of women in every facet of life. The official UN website underscores the urgency, stating that achieving prosperity and a healthy planet requires addressing the alarming $360 billion annual deficil in gender-equality measures by 2030.
Historical Significance and Evolution
The roots of International Women's Day trace back to the United Stales in 1909 when the first National Women's Day was observed on February 28. The day gained signilicance following a declaration by the Socialist Party of America. Over lime. it has transformed into a worldwide movement, representing the continual effort towards gender equality and the advancement of women's rights.Read more-(https://luminarytimes.com/celebrating-progress-international-womens-day-2024-focuses-on-empowerment-and-investment/)(https://luminarytimes.com/)(https://luminarytimes.com/magazines/)


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